Sunday, April 14, 2019

Conclusion - Unit 2

"How does our geography shape us, and how do we shape our geography?" That's our course question. This unit took that question very literally as can be seen in my Unit 2 blogs. Singapore's citizens have to deal with the small space available, and they shape the island themselves by making it bigger. Our geography also affects us in Canada by not letting us ship resources to Indian reserved by land. We learned about Canada's aging population and the problems that arise with it. We talked about gentrification and revitalization. Humanity is always changing and evolving, that's why it is important to study these trends and learn about the good and the bad. To conclude this unit, I'd like to say that to solve these problems we need to consider all side of geographic thinking. We should look at what is best for the economy, for the people, for the environment, etc.

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