Sunday, April 14, 2019

If things are so Bad up North, why don't the First Nations move down South? - Unit 2

In class, we discussed food insecurity and the lack of schools up in Indian reserves. A jug of orange juice costs almost $27 and female hygiene products such as pads can cost up to $50 per pack. There are no high schools which means that students have to leave their families to come to study down south. While talking about this, I had a question, why don't they just move to somewhere where living conditions aren't horrible? I started doing a bit of research and found an article by CBC. (Click here.) This article states that people don't want to move for two main reasons: 1, they will miss their culture, land, friends, etc. 2, they will be the targets of racism and discrimination in the city. Personally, I don't think that these are valid reasons. I myself am an immigrant, I was born in Russia, my whole heritage is Russian. My family had friends and jobs, we knew the language and loved our culture. With all of that, we still decided to uproot everything and come to Canada. The conditions we were living in were way better than that of the Indian reserves. That's why I believe that the first argument is invalid. It sucks to have to leave your culture, but you don't see me crying because there are no Matryoshka Doll making classes in school. The second argument does not make sense either. It's 2019, everyone except for a few old-timers here and there has acknowledged that racism is bad. In our school, the TV shows an acknowledgment that we are on Indian land every few minutes. The murders in Thunderbay are bad, but in our area, such things do not exist. I do not believe that being called a savage a couple times in your life by someone who has not caught up with society is worse than not having clean water or an education. It's no secret that if the people in Indian reserves moved down here, it would be better economically. Currently, Canada has to spend a lot of money shipping everything up north. If they moved to the city, taxpayers would not have to pay for that. Socially, it would be good because they can fill jobs and grow our economy. The only problem is the Indian Act 87. It states that Indians get income tax relief. This means that when they come to the city, they will be using public services that they don't as pay much as any other citizen does for. In conclusion, if they decide to move to the city, a lot of problems would be solved. However, we first need to solve a few problems such as the Indian Act 87.

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