Friday, April 12, 2019

Why the Government should not Waste Time on Climate Change - Unit 2

Singapore is a small island, meaning that there is limited space to work with, this shaped the city to be compact and efficient. On the other hand, people also shaped the geography by literally adding more land and expanding the island. Singapore is a smart country which gave spawn too many great technological advancements and milestones. The best part is that they did not need a prime minister promising a carbon-tax to do so. The government runs everything, it is illogical to expect it to fix everything for us. Singapore knew this, and instead of taking money away from big corporations for producing CO2, Singapore's government outsourced this issue to private companies. This was a win-win situation because the government can focus on the people, while the private companies can save us from the big scary CO2 monster. It's not just Singapore, in Silicone Valley billionaires like Elon Musk are having much more success in a shorter span of time than the government does. This is great from all perspectives, environmentally, it's a win because we solve climate change. Economically, it's a win because there are more jobs for citizens, the government gets taxes from the companies, and the government does not waste money and resources on attempting to do it themselves. When looking from a social perspective, it's amazing because there are more jobs for the people and the citizens won't get sick because of pollution. In conclusion, citizens should not vote for a president/prime minister because they promise to fix climate change by themselves. You should encourage private companies to do it, or better yet, be the change you want to see in the world
and do it yourself.

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