Sunday, March 3, 2019

Conclusion - Unit 1

In this unit, I reviewed how many different environments affect people in all sorts of ways. We use it to our advantage in economics. We wage wars over it in politics. We, as a society often take for granted the beauty and generosity of the little blue marble we call our home. In this unit we talked about all the different types of biomes and what we use them for. For example, we often build industries in Boreal & Taiga Forests to obtain natural resources such as wood. I complained about the lack of things to do in the suburbs, but unfortunately, we have to build high population density districts because most of Canada's population is located in a relatively small place. (The Great lakes.) We also covered how we as a species shape the environment. As I predicted at the start of the unit, most of our actions hinder our geography. We released tons of greenhouse gasses like perfluorocarbons into our atmosphere that weakened the ozone layer, and soon we will go past the point of no return. A film I watched had a good way of explaining climate change. When you get sick, your body raises its temperatures to kill the virus. Currently, the Earth is heating up to get rid of us. We are behaving like a virus, and we need to make a serious change in how we treat our planet or else there will be serious consequences.

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