Thursday, February 28, 2019

Why Living in the Suburbs Sucks for Teens - Unit 1

The suburbs are supposed to be a mix of the good elements from urban places and rural places. However, in my experience, there's not too much good about it. The suburbs are great for when you are younger than 12, but after that it gets boring. All of the playgrounds are too small for you and have signs stating that if you are older than 12 you are not supposed to go on the equipment. The forests around our areas are tiny and it take less than 10 minutes to walk from one side to another. My point being, there is nothing to do for kids 13 to 16. The only places that we can actually go to are also the places that we need a car to get to. Unfortunately, we can't drive yet. This immense boredom eventually leads kids to do things that are illegal. Kids will vandalize school property, shoot up drugs, drink, and fight to find every drop of fun they can. If the kids aren't doing anything illegal, they will stay locked up in their rooms and play video games all day. This results in a population that is obese and anti-social enough to make up ridiculous terms like "manspreading" instead of asking a man to move over on public transport.

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