Sunday, February 24, 2019

Trans Canada Pipeline - Unit 1

Everyday we are burning insane amounts of fossil fuels which are heating up our planet and ruining everything. At first glance, a massive pipe that transports even more fossil fuels sounds like a terrible idea, however, I am here to tell you what most people won't when they argue against the construction of the pipeline. Firstly, there is the economic perspective, this pipeline will create an additional 2.4 billion dollars for the Canadian government to spend on services that you and I use everyday. Did I mention that that is 2.4 billion American dollars? Secondly, we can consider the social perspective, this project will create north of 41,000 jobs for the people of Canada. The best part is that around 38,000 of these jobs will be considered support jobs, these jobs include many things like cooking food for the builders and transporting the builders to and from home. I called this the best part because support jobs are safer than construction jobs, and most of the time they don't require higher education so that anyone who is in need can fill up the spots. Finally, we can cover the environmental perspective. From an environmental perspective this looks like a horrible idea, however, if you think a bit deeper than the surface, there is evidence that it actually might reduce pollution. Currently, to transport fossil fuels, large trucks and boats that pollute the air are used. Trucks and boats are also at a greater risk for crashing and causing huge oil spills that completely destroy the environment. A pipeline has a way lower chance of having an oil leak, and does not use more fossil fuels to transport fossil fuels. On January 13th, 2019, a large oil tanker crashed on the 401 and spilled all 50,000 liters its of highly combustible fuel all around, this disaster, and many others like it, could have been avoided with a pipeline. Our unit question is "How are lives of Canadians influenced by their physical environment?" The answer in this scenario is pretty clear, people don't want to waste time driving around all the mountains in the north-west to get their oil. Our geography just does not allow for large roads to be built there, so we came up with a better solution.

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