Monday, May 27, 2019

Apple is not Biodegradable

When I said apple in the title I meant the company, not actual apples. Unfortunately, Apple has some very not eco-friendly business practices. Now, I do have an Apple phone, but it will be my last because I've come to realize that Apple's motto "Does more costs less" did not age too well. Before I dive into why Apple is corporate scum, I have to admit that as terrible as they might be, these strategies earn a lot of money, like a lot. Without further ado, reason number 1, Apple does not sell replacement parts separately. For example, if you have to replace one single chip in the computer, they will make you pay for a whole new circuit because everything is permanently sealed. This means that Apple is simply throwing out 99% good electronics because one tiny piece was broken. Instead of replacing the chip they waste resources on a whole new circuit! This is because they get to charge extra by saying: "you're gonna have to pay for the whole thing!" Secondly, their products are not upgradable. Normally, on laptops, one may open the back and upgrade a few parts by taking the slow old ones out and inserting the new fast ones. Unfortunately, Apple welds its pieces together so that you cannot upgrade. Instead, Apple encourages you to buy a whole new computer from them while they go swimming in money like Scrooge. Finally, Apple releases almost three phones per year! Most of them are virtually the same thing, but on they just changed the number after "iPhone." This makes a lot of people throw out perfectly good tech each year to get the new phone. All of these things are horrible for the environment, all of the great tech is being thrown out to landfills which pollute the environment, and there are many resources wasted on producing all that tech that is destined to be thrown out a year later. Economically, this is great, a constant source for jobs in production and manufacturing, many tax dollars, etc. In the end, Apple really needs to make a 180 turn and go back to their old motto.

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