Monday, May 27, 2019

Unit 3 - Conclusion

Throughout unit 3 we have learned all about Food and Agriculture. From the impacts of the phosphorus in fertilizers, to why Apple is expensive garbage. The course question can be answered now. We are shaped by our geography because have to make farms on the land provided to us. However, we also shape our geography by expanding that land. We drain marshes to make more farmland, and we dig alternative routes for water to flow in an efficient manner. I have talked about how terrible obesity is and why we should stop it. I've also gone on a rant about Apple because of how scummy their business practices are. All of these things are fueled by consumerism, people have the urge to buy the new iPhone each year, and they have the urge to stuff themselves with McDonald's. However, I think consumerism gets a bad rap. Consumerism is great for the economy, and it has great social benefits too. We also need to encourage people to live healthier lifestyles. This will keep the good about consumerism and get rid of the bad. We need to promote healthier lifestyles by reimplementing home cooking, and physical activities, reduce the amount of time we spend sitting, etc. If we make these changes, the benefits will be worth the trouble.

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