Monday, May 27, 2019

Course Conclusion

This course was cool, there were many fun moments in class, and there were many headaches at home. I really enjoyed playing Devil's advocate with all of the topics we've talked about. I believe that I've gained a lot of experience in research, and staying confident when most of the class disagrees with what you're saying. I've had a great time in class discussions and group activities. I also enjoyed presenting my inquiry projects to the class, it was fun. However, I do have some constructive criticism. I found that a lot of my classmates got very tired of doing the same project 3 times over. Yes, there were minor changes here and there but for the most part, it was the same. If it were me, I would change it up a bit to keep the class on its toes and excited to start a new activity. A lot of the things we've talked about in class were interesting, the videos we watched were well-made and packed with information. As much as I have enjoyed it, it does bring me a sigh of relief to be writing the last blog, much like our in-class discussions, the blogs allowed me to get comfortable with presenting an unpopular opinion in writing. Thank you, Ms. Ecker!

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